WFBP 0055

A death has occurred

We are so sorry that you are visiting this section of our website.

Before we can bring your loved one into our care, we need to have obtained either a signed life extinction form, medical certificate or coronial release. 

If your person has died at a hospital or nursing home, a doctor or nursing staff would normally complete this. 

If the death is accidental, or un-expected it is necessary for the police to be contacted and then they will notify the coroner. The deceased person will be transferred by a government appointed representative to the Launceston or Hobart Hospital. We will liaise with the coroner and keep you fully informed, and once your loved one is released by the coroner we can bring them into our care, and then book a day/time for the funeral to take place.  

WFBP 0209

An expected death at home, firstly take your time - even if you are aware death is imminent, it’s still a huge shock. 

Arrange for the doctor/palliative care nurse to come and formally verify life is extinct. Then you may phone us - but there is no need to rush, the deceased person may stay at home for a few hours.  

You may wish to do the below, but it is important to remember you do not have to do anything. 

You may wish to wash your loved one or put on fresh clothes. Place a pillow under their head to raise slightly. Roll up a towel and place under their chin - this will assist to close the mouth. Ensuring both legs are flat helps with moving. You can also paint their nails, put their favourite perfume on, along with doing their hair/make up and playing their favourite music - but only if you wish. 

Call us when you feel you are ready for your person to come into our care. We are gentle with all the people we are privileged to care for and we look after them like our own loved ones. 

WFBP 0039
WFBP 0135
WFBP 0057
WFBP 0169